The experiment: Focus More

               I need to focus more on what I am doing everyday whether it is school, tennis, or homework.  I always have my phone on me so it is very easy to procrastinate by checking social media or texting friends.  When I am lecture, I catch myself checking my phone a lot for any notifications.  Focus is the key issue that I am going to try to improve with an experiment.  My experiment consists of putting my phone away during classes and when I do my homework.  My ideal goal is to be 100% engaged and focused on the material that my professor is lecturing and very focused on my homework so that I can get it completed much sooner.

               Joseph Cardillo, PhD, is a top-selling author in the fields of health, mind-body-spirit, and psychology.  He wrote an article titled, “A Three-Day Plan to Increase Your Focus.”  In this article, he lays out steps for one to follow each day. Day one consists of going through your daily routines and becoming more self-aware.  Day two consists of strategizing how to ward off distracters.  Day three talks about training your mind to act the way you want it to in specific daily situations.  This is very helpful information for me to read because Joseph Cardillo is an expert on the matter and his advise can be very useful while conducting my experiment.

               I intend on making a huge effort for my initial strategy to work out, which is putting my phone away in the hope that it will lead me to focus more in class.  If this strategy does not work out then my plan B is to take notes during class.  I do that anyway but with my phone put away and my focus on writing down what the professor is saying, it should lead to success as a plan B. 

               There are risks associated with lack of focus.  Attention is a key element in learning.  According in an article written by Van Thompson, “Losing focus outside of the classroom by forgetting to do homework, oversleeping, or concentrating on partying more than studying can lower grades.  In some cases, it even can lead to dropping out.”  This information proves that focus is vital for college students. 



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