two different types of Intros for Inquiry essay

How to guide intro:

Focusing is something that everyone struggles with at some point in his or her lifetime.  The human attention span is getting shorter.  Luckily, there is a guide on how to focus better!  Step one includes removing all distractions that surround you.  If you are a person that gets distracted by a phone, computer, or t.v. then you need to make an effort to remove all of that so that you can successfully focus on the task that is in front of you.  Step two includes getting in the right mindset.  Being negative about having to study or complete homework is not going to help you focus better.  You need to encourage yourself and be positive and that will surely help you to stay motivated to complete the task, whatever it may be.  Step three is to train your willpower muscle.  You have to train yourself to be more disciplined.  It will not be easy but it will be worth it.  Step four is to continue working without stopping.  The more breaks you take, the longer it will take you to complete your task.  Powering through your task is the best way to finish it effectively so that you can move on to the next task that needs to be completed in order to be successful.

               The next step in this guide is to incorporate exercise into your daily schedule.  Did you know that exercise isn’t just good for the body, but it also helps with memory capacity and concentration according to John Ratey, an associate clinical professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.  “In particular, scientists think regular exercise may help stimulate the release of a chemical called brain-derived neurotrophic factor, which some research suggests helps rewire memory circuits to improve their functioning.”  How cool is that?  The step following including exercise into your busy schedule is trying to incorporate meditation.  You may be thinking that these are too many steps or that you may not have time for any of this, but the point is to make time because it will all be worth it in the end when you see your focus improve personally.  To conclude, this is a helpful guide to help you focus better in your life with whatever you are trying to achieve.

               Scene Intro:

It is a cold, rainy day in Blacksburg as Sally and Allison are walking to their class that they have together: Chemistry.  These two young girls met during orientation at Virginia Tech.  They are both freshman who share the same dream of going to medical school to become neurosurgeons.  It was pure coincidence that they had the same chemistry class when there were many other time slots available for the same class.  One can say that it was destiny that these two girls found each other and became best friends.

It was a month into the fall semester when Sally was complaining to Allison on their walk to class about how much studying she has to do over the next week.  Sally says, “I have three exams on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.  I do not know how I am going to focus on studying for these exams.”  Allison replies, “I had a similar issue last year in high school when I couldn’t really focus properly.  I did some research and tried out different techniques and it ended up working for me.  You should try it too!”  Sally then asked, “Where did you get your research?”  Allison responded, “I googled ways to focus better and a bunch of articles and blogs popped up. Try doing that later.”  Sally ends the conversation as they are about to enter the classroom for their 8am by saying, “Okay thanks for your advise Allison.”

After class, both girls had a break in their schedule before their next class and decided to go to Newman library. It was then that Sally decided to take Alison’s advise and start doing research.  Sally did in fact find what Alison described, which was a long list of various articles and blogs.  Sally just dives in and starts reading and finds out very interesting information that she didn’t know before.  Sally learned that meditation can be a great tool to help improve concentration.  Sally shares some of the new information that she learned to Allison who proceeds to respond by saying, “That was something I remember learning too when I first looked into the whole topic of focus.”


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