Introduction to Comparative Rhetorical Analysis Paper

Childhood obesity rates are still rising in the United States of America.  This is the issue that will be discussed in this paper using three different sources of media.  This issue is very relevant because it affects society and it is considered a very serious health problem.  Thirty five percent of Americans today have obesity.  Obesity is defined as a condition characterized by the excessive accumulation and storage of fat in the body.  There are different sources of media that portray the same message: that childhood obesity does not seem to be slowing down.  Looking at multiple sources is important because it gives you multiple viewpoints about the issue. 

The first source that supports the same claim is a newsletter from Medical News Today titled “Childhood Obesity is Still Rising.”  The author of this article is Tim Newman and he supports his claim by using factual evidence such as statistics and data that was collected from the National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey (NHANES).  The second source shows how real childhood obesity rates are increasing, and is a personal story told by Helena Oliviero. This source showcases a young boy’s story that goes by the name Tiger Greene.  This personal story was found in the Atlantic Journal- Constitution, which is a newspaper, and tells a story with the purpose to inspire obese kids to stay fit.  The third source that supports the claim that childhood obesity is still rising is an article posted in Time Magazine written by Alice Park.  The purpose of this article is to state the fact that childhood obesity rates are still rising and she supports her claim by factual evidence. 

The three sources presented are in order of most formal to least formal given the media sources used.  Although each source is diverse in its methods of delivering the message, they each exhibit portrayals of this important concern. Though they are factual, as well as personal, they prove the case for the importance of this widely debated issue. In this paper, it will be proven that the sources listed are evidence that childhood obesity rates are continuing to rise in America. 


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