Inside the Macedonian Fake-News Complex

               This article was very interesting in the fact that a young man that goes by the name Boris made a good amount of money on posting information that isn’t even true on websites.  This is not morally right, but it made him some big bucks and caused him to drop out of school, which is a big decision.  There is one paragraph in the article that describes what Boris looks like and reveals more about him and you ask yourself, “So What?”

               The answer to “So What?” is that Boris decided to start some websites of his own.  Boris figured out how to make money by posting big ads in his posts, so that one in five visitors to a page would end up clicking on an ad.  “His RPM- revenue per 1,000 impressions- hovered around $15, he says.  He fed the beast with diligence.”  You may not think that fifteen dollars is a lot but Boris worked hard to prepare posts for the following day and it ended up paying off for him because he was making decent enough money to buy himself new things.  He bought himself new clothes, an Acer laptop to replace his old one, and even a vacation at a resort on Lake Ohrid.  If that is not success, then what is?

               If you have heard the saying, all good things end at some point that is exactly what happened to Boris.  An eruption of concern occurred about the effects of fake news, and as a result, Google suspended the ads that was making Boris money.  Mirko Ceselkoski lives in Macedonia and created his own websites that were geared toward Americans because American readers are roughly three times more valuable than a non-American one.  Why you ask?  In web-siting terms, an American click is three times more valuable than a non-American click.  Ceselkoski turned to coaching and offered classes to teach students how to prepare and promote websites.  One of his students panicked because Google had yanked it’s advertising without paying all the money.  Ceselkoski came to the conclusion that it may be possible a few percentages were changed regarding the Presidential election.  Ceselkoski was stunned that Donald Trump won. 


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